FAQs - Car Rental Services, Self Drive Car Rental - Myles

Eligibilty & Documents

What is the eligibility to hire a self-drive car?

The minimum age to hire a Myles self-drive car is 21 years.  Apart from that the customer must also possess Original and valid driving license and ID proof (Passport/Aadhar card). Customer’s booking name should match with his/ her name in the Driving License. Foreign nationals also need to have valid International Driving Permit in addition to the Driving License to hire a Myles self-drive car.

What documents do you need as a proof?
By what time do I need to upload documents?
By what time do I need to pay security deposit?
Is there an alternative to the security deposit?
Can someone else book for me?
What is your cancellation policy?
Is there an agreement/document I need to sign?